Wednesday, September 07, 2005

About Flat Angel

I want to let everyone know what this is about again...Flat Angel is similiar to Flat Stanley a kids project they do in school to learn about geography and other cultures. He travels around the world via email and in an envelope (because he was run over and is now flat he can do that LOL) visiting different locations. I want to be able to show kids at my daughters school Flat Angel and explain to them about supporting our troops past present and future. It is so important to teach kids patriotism and pride in our country EVERYDAY just not on holidays! By giving our men and women in uniform a face and show kids that what a soldier does and that the soldiers/sailors like to have fun with a project that the kids actually KNOW about I hope I can do that. Please participate if you can...It's one picture or as many as you want to take! Contact me and I will be happy to email you the picture to use! This is for our military ANYWHERE in the United States as well as Vets Organizations to participate in. Please help me get as many pictures as possible! Thank you!


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