Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Some More Pictures

We stayed one building away from the White House and while we were eating on the roof of the hotel the helicopter landed and took off it was really neat...we were so close that it was VERY loud when it came in.

THis was actually a very pretty memorial. Roosevelt had said that he wanted a monument that was only as big as his desk and nothing more...but this was actually VERY BIG! But then he has served the most terms as president...

This guy was really neat he was outside the Museum of Natural History and playing the drums on these...and it really sounded neat...there were kids that were dancing all around him and it was very cute!
Gotta love a man on top of the White House wearing black!

This is the Seabee Memorial right outside of Arlington. It really is very nice and the black stone with Gold lettering makes it beautiful. One thing my mom did notice is that on the relief on the back side all the pictures of the Seabees doing their jobs they are all shirtless...I'm not sure why she noticed this but even the welder is welding without his shirt on...It's because they are the Seabees Dammit! LOL

Here is one of my favorite pictures that I took....It is one of those when you take the picture and you dont' mean to get the view that you do and once you look at it you think how amazing. I was taking a picture of the Utah Stone at the WWII memorial and what I got was this picture.

Memorial & Monument Pictures

I think it is pretty obvious what this is and needs no explanation. But as you look across at the cemetary and you see all of them in a row it's really an experience like I've never had...

As we watched this I just thought about how much honor these guards really have for their job. It is amazing to see. We saw their cars afterwards and they all had big decals on them a bout being guards at the tomb of the unknown soldier. It is a job filled with pride and you can see it in each measured step they take.

Pretty obvious what this is. What I didnt' know was that the flag is permantely tied to the pole with cables and when they have to change the flag they use a crane to do it...It was a LOT bigger than I thought it was going to be...I'm not sure why I thought it was smaller than it was but it was really HUGE!

I really enjoyed the WWII Memorial. It was really amazing because not only did they represent the soldiers but everyone that made a sacrifice during that time. I have always been so proud of my country and how EVERYONE pulled together to support the war effort and the soldiers. We have yet to see that...I go from this memorial to the protestors in front of the White House and it made me sick to think that we are forgetting those that sacrifice today...

We went and visited the memorial both at night the first night we were there and during the day but i think that the most dramatic views was at night. My mother commented that was her favorite part...the emotions and the pictures and the words on the walls as well as the views gave her chills she was a very emotional place.

This quote really says what I think more people should feel.

More Pictures

This is a picture of part of the exhibit on the Wall. You can see some of the stuff that has been left. Boots, beer, Jack Daniels, Crosses, letters, poems hats, pins and everything in beween. There were letters there of people that wrote and gave up their medal of honor and wanted it taken off their records and not to get compensation for recieving one...I'm wondering if this was because they didn't want the reminder or if because we as the public had made them not want the reminder of their past....

Okay here is a picture from the exhibit on the Viet Nam Memorial....this really struck my heart...I'm not sure if you can read it but if you can't the note says...They have letters and items that people have left in the past on display.
Hey Bro! Here's the beer I owe you-24 years late. You were right I did make it back to the world. Great seeing you again. Sorry not to be with you but I'll be along soon. Thanks Sarge

This is a display of some items from 9/11 that were recovered. An Airphone from Flight 93 and badges from the Pentagon.

This is the flag that was draped down over the Pentagon the day after 9/11. There are smudges all over it and it hangs just as it did on the wall at the Smithsonian as it hung on the Pentagon.

This is the entrance to the military history section at the American History Museum. It chronicled wars from the Revoluntary to Present day Iraq.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My Trip To Washington

Here are some pictures from one of the Smithsonian museums. They aren't Flat Angel pictures but since I "am" Angel I figured I would post them here anyway!