I think it is pretty obvious what this is and needs no explanation. But as you look across at the cemetary and you see all of them in a row it's really an experience like I've never had...

As we watched this I just thought about how much honor these guards really have for their job. It is amazing to see. We saw their cars afterwards and they all had big decals on them a bout being guards at the tomb of the unknown soldier. It is a job filled with pride and you can see it in each measured step they take.

Pretty obvious what this is. What I didnt' know was that the flag is permantely tied to the pole with cables and when they have to change the flag they use a crane to do it...It was a LOT bigger than I thought it was going to be...I'm not sure why I thought it was smaller than it was but it was really HUGE!

I really enjoyed the WWII Memorial. It was really amazing because not only did they represent the soldiers but everyone that made a sacrifice during that time. I have always been so proud of my country and how EVERYONE pulled together to support the war effort and the soldiers. We have yet to see that...I go from this memorial to the protestors in front of the White House and it made me sick to think that we are forgetting those that sacrifice today...

We went and visited the memorial both at night the first night we were there and during the day but i think that the most dramatic views was at night. My mother commented that was her favorite part...the emotions and the pictures and the words on the walls as well as the views gave her chills she said...it was a very emotional place.

This quote really says what I think more people should feel.
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